Friday, July 16, 2010

Our happy 3 month old baby!

Aiden's Unexpected 3 month doctor's appointment

Ever since Aiden was about 1 month old he has stuggled with constipation. "Oh, just give him some Nursery Water every day and it'll clear right up!" the doctor says... only, it didn't! Then she said, "Try Prune or Pear juice! Those should clear him out good!".... NOPE!

Now Aiden is 3 months old and we decided this has gone on far too long! His attempts to poop were always accompanied by strains, grunts, a red face, and sometimes even a scream! So, off to the doctor we go!

This time, the doctor says, "Let's switch his formula." okay, to what?? "Have you ever heard of Similac Alimentum?" the doctor asks, "Have we ever?!?!?!" we reply! My dad works for the company that makes Similac, and he has told us many times how awful the shop smells when they make the Alimentum formula! GREEEEAT! Can't wait to smell those burps, huh??

The doctor also sent us to the hospital for some x-rays to make sure his bowels aren't blocked or backed up... those all came back perfect, with no blockage, and no backup :) I thought we were all going to get 1,000+ diseases from standing in the ER as we checked in! That place is nasty!!!!! And it was packed! Who knew that SO many people go to the ER at 7pm on a Wednesday!!

Anyway, we did as the doctor said, and put him on the ever-so-expensive, chemically predigested, stinky Alimentum formula! And lo-and-behold..... Aiden HATES it! He rejected it completely at first, turning his head away as we tried to feed him. After only eating 4 ounces in 14 hours, Aiden finally decided it was time to eat! And ever since, he has eaten 4 ounces at a time :) The other good news is that his bowel movements, for the first time in 2 months, are NOT SOLID!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! No more straining, grunting, screaming, red-faced baby!