Our Beautiful Life Story
As we go about our busy lives, it's difficult to keep everyone informed! So check in here for the latest updates on the Freeman Family (Jeff, Ashlee, Misty, Elmer Fud, Lillee Mae, and Aiden Michael!)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Not the way we like to spend our weekends....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A case of Croup
But, we are survivors! Jeff and I are completely mended and Aiden is well on his way there. He is on Albuterol and Omnicef and getting better each day!
Now I pray that we don't have another test of strength like that for a VERY long time!
Monday, December 27, 2010
A Christmas Story

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Oh no! He's on the go!

Friday, December 3, 2010
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Christmas is by far mine and Jeff's favorite season of the year - the music, smells, lights, sights, giving, etc. - all of it is just beautiful! We plan on spending this first Christmas as a new family enjoying every single moment there is to enjoy! Just picture everything there is... beautiful lights lining the city streets, snow falling and Aiden taking in his first sights of the white flurries falling from the sky, the music in the car playing all the songs we look forward to listening to 1 month out of the year, the tree lighting up the living room with its red and white lights... I could go on... it's all so beautiful! And to see the look on Aiden's face as he notices the new sights, sounds, and smells for the very first time in his life, it just brings a smile to my face each time! He is so inquisitive and everything that is new to him has him so curious and intrigued - it's so neat to watch!
A Bit Behind, I'd Say!
So here's a quick run-down of our life currently -
Aiden is almost 8 months old - WOW!
He is sooo close to crawling - he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth.
He has 2 teeth - front bottom - they're adorable.
He is eating 3 meals of "real" food a day, along with about 4 bottles - he despises his bottle. He only eats from it when he's REALLY hungry!
He speaks his own language right now - "mama" "dada" "baba" "nana" "lala" "gaga" "blahblah" - notice a trend? Yes, every word ends in the "a" sound. My personal favorite is "blah blah".
He continues to be a very peaceful sleeper - yay for mommy and daddy :-)
He is a mostly pleasant baby - he lets you know when he's not happy.
He likes to be with people and have human interaction - I don't blame him... being alone is no fun!
At his 7 month doctor appt. he was about 16 1/2 pounds (I think... my memory isn't what it used to be, so I could be just making that up.)
Jeff continues to do well. He is busy at work and busy with Search for the Christ Child at church. I'm very much looking forward to Wednesday of next week, when all of his obligations for church and Greenon high school will be over and we can finally relax a bit and enjoy this beautiful Holiday season that only comes but once a year!