Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 32

Only 50 days to go from today...

We continued our birthing classes this week (cancelled last week because of snow). This session included much information!!! We learned about induction, the stages of labor and what we may feel like emotionally during the stages, and some more breathing techniques for the different stages of labor. Then we got to watch this lovely video from the 80s (seriously, the baby born in it has to be as old as I am by now!!!) of a birth! I was truly fascinated by this video! And all things considered, Jeff held himself together quite well! The first shot of where the baby comes out kind of freaked him out a bit, but he pulled himself together and got over it ;-) We also learned about all the different safety features of the birthing center. Pretty cool stuff!!!

In our class we were talking about getting everything ready for the babies and how much everyone still had to do. When I stated that we were done with the nursery, everyone said, "How far along are you?" and I said, "32 weeks" and they were like, "Geeeez! You must have been born in nesting mode!" Lol. I never thought of it that way, but I believe I was!

Our last class is next Wednesday! This is the one we have been SOOO looking forward to for some time now - the tour of the birthing center!!!!

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday! It went excellently, as expected :-) He said I am good and healthy and so is Aiden! Aiden is head-down again, and probably won't turn breach again because his head is so low and he's quite crammed (I think he's gonna be a big boy!) Other great news - Jeff asked the doctor at what age it would be safe for Aiden to have his first boat ride. And the the answer - 6 weeks!!!! WOOHOO! We were planning on waiting til Mid-June or beginning of July anyway just so we knew it would be warm enough, so this is excellent! Now we get to go pick out an adorable little life-jacket for him! The doctor said to make sure to get one with a handle on the back in case he does fall in the water. Our dog's life jacket has that, too :-) Not that we could pick a 30 pound Pug made of lead out of the water with a handle, but whatever! It's cute, nonetheless!

Our list of things to get for Aiden is now down to 6 measley items! FINALLY!!! All we still need is the infant car seat, and extra base, cradle sheets, Halo Sleep Sacks, a clothes hamper, and a swinging gate!

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